
How is this different from a conventional sauna or steam sauna?

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Conventional dry and/or steam saunas are still beneficial for your health, however they can be very uncomfortable for the majority of people. 

Those who have tried a dry and/or steam sauna understand the extreme temperature of the air you are subjected to through convection heat, often causing excessive water loss and dehydration. The hot air heats your skin temperature and only allows you to be safely heated for a few minutes.

Infrared technology heats your body from the inside out, penetrating up to 3 inches of the body’s tissue.  As your core is heated, the air around you is more breathable, your sweat is a deep, detoxifying fat sweat, and your sessions last longer! 

The sweat from a traditional sauna is 95% to 97% water with salt making up the rest. The sweat from an infrared sauna is 80 to 85% water with the rest being cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia and uric acid.

What is chromotherapy?

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Chromotherapy is the science of using colors to adjust body vibrations to frequencies that result in health and harmony. Each color possesses frequencies of a specific vibration, and each vibration is related to different physical symptoms. Chromotherapy works on various energy points to help balance your body via the full spectrum of visible light, each color of which addresses a distinct need.

All of our saunas are equipped with customizable chromotherapy which includes 16 colors, four color-changing modes, and four brightness/intensity settings. The lights are soft and gentle and can be controlled by remote.

How often should I use the infrared sauna?

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Up to one daily session is safe, so it is ultimately up to you.

Think of infrared sauna therapy like a fitness regimen. The more often and consistent you use the therapy, the more significantly your body responds to each session.

If you have a specific health related concern, please consult with your physician before utilizing our services.

Should I moisturize before coming? Can I use lotions or oils in the sauna?

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We recommend NOT using any skincare products on your body before using any of our services. During your sessions, you are trying to release toxins through your skin, so putting on topical products may interfere with this process.

Should I eat before going into the sauna?

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It is recommended that you wait at least 1-2 hours after eating a full meal (a small snack is okay) before entering the sauna, and drink as much water as possible before your session. However, if you’ve eaten something, it’s not going to hurt you – your body will just be digesting and detoxing at the same time.

Is someone in the sauna room with me?

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Nope, each sauna is in a private room. However, some of our solo rooms can be transformerd into tandem or group rooms to enjoy with loved ones and/or friends. We also offer the Grand Cabin, where you may enjoy your session with one or two friends.

I’m claustrophobic...can I still experience the sauna?

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If you have had a hard time with traditional saunas due to being claustrophobic, then the sauna pod may be the answer for you. While your body is in the pod, your head will be outside breathing fresh air. You also have the ability to open and close the pod at any time by simply sliding the top up or down.  If at any time you feel anxious or want to get out, simply slide the pod open or press the call button and a sēk specialist will come help you.

Many clients who are initially nervous about being claustrophobic end up absolutely loving our sauna pods!

How hot does it get?

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Our saunas are 100% customizable, so that’s up to you!

Reaching up to 150°F, our pods have a “perfect” temperature for everyone. We start everyone out at 140°F. Because your body is heated from the core outward, the temperature does not really become noticeable or feel “too hot” until the last 10 minutes of your session.

I don’t tolerate heat well. Does that mean I can’t enjoy the infrared sauna?

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Don’t worry, we can customize a temperature just for you. If the heat makes you nervous, let a sēk specialist know and we will set your sauna to a lower temperature.  If you need your temperature adjusted during your session, just press the call button and a sēk specialist will come and adjust the temperature.

For a more relaxing, meditative sauna experience, ask to be placed in a lower temperature setting. Rather than sweating too much, you will feel warm and cozy, falling into a wonderful nap while still reaping all the benefits of our amazing infrared technology.

How much will I sweat?

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If it is your first time, you may not sweat at all or just very little. All that means is that your body takes a little longer to release toxins. 

Our heat is customizable...some clients prefer not to sweat too much while others prefer their saunas extra hot so they sweat no matter what. 

Your core is the first thing to be heated, so it is perfectly normal not to sweat until the last 10 – 15 minutes of your session.

We strongly recommend several sessions within a week at the onset for you to feel the difference in your body and experience the benefits.

By your 2nd or 3rd session we promise you will get a detoxifying sweat!

What do I do if I get too hot?

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Infrared Saunas heat the body, not the air. Simply open the pod or cabin door and hop out (you can get right back in after you cool down a bit).

What wavelengths of infrared do you use and what are the benefits?

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The sauna pods use far infrared wavelengths to penetrate deep into the body, heating from the inside out.  The far infrared heats your core first, helping to float toxins, bacteria, and heavy metals to the surface where you will sweat them out of your skin. Far infrared penetrates fat tissue and increases your metabolic rate, reduces bloat, and burns extra calories! Far infrared also adds powerful cellular detox properties and helps with lymphatic cleansing.

The sauna cabins use far, mid and near infrared wavelengths.  Mid infrared penetrates where inflammation occurs and speeds up the healing process while near infrared rejuvenates skin and promotes healthy cellular turnover.

How long is a session?

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Your sauna pod session is 30 minutes long, but your appointment time is booked for 45 minutes in your room. This extra time allows for you to get in and out and take your time doing so. In addition, it allows for us to answer any questions you may have upon arrival.  Sauna pod sessions are shorter because the far infrared wavelengths in the pod penetrate the body faster than in the sauna cabin.

Your sauna cabin session is 45 minutes long, but your appointment time is booked for 60 minutes in your room. This extra time allows for you to get in and out and take your time doing so. In addition, it allows for us to answer any questions you may have upon arrival.

What do I wear?

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You are in your own private room so we recommend wearing nothing! The whole purpose is for the body to absorb the infrared heat so you’ll get the most benefit by removing clothing that may inhibit the absorption.

Why am I still sweating after my session?

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After your sauna session it can take up to an hour for your body to return to your regular body temperature. Each sauna session burns up to 600 calories so enjoy that additional calorie burn for the hour!

What do I do after my session?

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Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Your body has just released heavy toxins and buildup, along with water. It is important to replace the water you lost. In addition, drinking water after your session will help flush out any leftover toxins that need to be released. You may feel hungry after your session – if you choose to grab a snack, we recommend eating as clean as possible.

Who should not use infrared saunas?

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Pregnant women and individuals with pacemakers. If you have open wounds or are recovering from surgery, please wait until these areas are healed.

Infrared saunas increase the heart rate. People with cardiovascular diseases or underlying heart arrhythmia, such as atrial fibrillation, should talk with their doctor before using our saunas.

If you have a health-related concern, please consult with your physician before utilizing our saunas.

What is Pressotherapy and what are the benefits?

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Pressotherapy stimulates lymphatic drainage, which is crucial for good health and a strong immune system.

The suit massages your lymph nodes, which are bean shaped glands throughout the whole body. A properly functioning Lymph system will drain excess fluid from tissues, prevent the absorption of fatty acid, and subsequently transport fat to the circulatory system, all of which are necessary for the production of immune cells.

The best part of our Pressotherapy is its ability to minimize cellulite! The breaking up of fluid and increase of circulation will decrease swelling and bloat in the body. Doing Pressotherapy is also essential before and after traveling by plane, to help your body’s ecosystem balance out again.

Is it a person that performs Pressotherapy?

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Pressotherapy is done with an air compression suit (pneumatic massage). When you arrive we slip you into large boots, a wrap that goes around your torso, and arm sleeves. A small machine then sends air pressure up your body, relaxing and releasing every part of you, along with stimulating the lymphatic drainage system. Pressotherapy is an extremely effective way to move fat and toxins around and out of the body.

Does it hurt? What if I don’t like the amount of compression?

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It does not hurt at all! In fact, it is extremely soothing and relaxing. Just like our saunas, the Pressotherapy is completely customizable. You can do a session that is light and gentle with low compression or we can turn it up to feel it deeper in your tissue. It’s your choice!

How long is a session?

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The Pressotherapy is 45 minutes long, but your appointment time is booked for 60 minutes in your room. This extra time allows for you to get in and out and take your time doing so. In addition, it allows for us to answer any questions you may have upon arrival.

What do I wear?

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While you are in your own private room, you need to wear socks, pants and a long-sleeved shirt. This is for hygiene purposes as you will be inside a pneumatic suit.

How often should I use Pressotherapy?

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That depends on your needs!

For an ultimate detox, you can pair your sauna session with a Pressotherapy session immediately beforehand.  The two combined exponentially increase the benefits and results you see and feel.

For cellulite treatment, you will likely see improvement after one session but you’ll see amazing results after 3 sessions.

For muscle soreness relief, come in when you feel the need and get fast-tracked on the road to recovery. 

What is low-level-light therapy?

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Low-level-light therapy is based on LED technology and is the application of light energy to the body for therapeutic benefits. The energy delivered by the LEDs has been shown to enhance cellular metabolism, accelerate the repair and replenishment of damaged skin cells, as well as stimulate the production of collagen — the foundation of healthy, smooth skin! Research has shown that LED light therapy may help smooth skin texture, improve skin firmness and resilience, increase lymphatic system activity, restore skin’s natural cellular activity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and superficial hyperpigmentation. The treatment is for all skin types, and is non-ablative, non-invasive, painless, and requires absolutely no downtime. Clients can return to their normal activity immediately after the treatment.

For what purpose is light therapy used?

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Based on extensive research, low-level-light therapy devices have been cleared by the FDA, and shown to manage:

  • Wrinkles
  • Inflammatory Acne
  • Vulgaris
  • Diminished Local Blood Circulation
  • Muscle & Joint Stiffness
  • Muscle Tissue Tension
  • Muscle & Joint Pain
  • Muscle Spasm
  • Arthritic Pain
  • Reverses Hair Loss in Men & Women

Are there any harmful side effects to low-level light therapy?

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LED devices are considered extremely low risk when used as intended.

Does light therapy hurt?

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No. Light therapy is non-invasive and is painless when used as intended.

How safe is light therapy?

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Low-level-light therapy is based on LED technology developed by NASA and is FDA approved.

Does light therapy utilize UV light?

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No. Celluma utilizes a combination of blue, red, and near-infrared LEDs only.

How long does a Celluma session last?

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The Celluma session is 30 minutes long, but your appointment time is booked for 45 minutes in your room. This extra time allows for you to get in and out and take your time doing so. In addition, it allows for us to answer any questions you may have upon arrival.

Are there any special preparations required before using Celluma?

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Celluma should be in close proximity to the area being treated so please make sure the area being treated can be exposed (tight leggings will make it difficult to treat something on your legs). Skin should be free of clothing, makeup, or anything else that may deflect light away from the skin.

Why do I need to remove my makeup?

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Many makeup formulas contain minerals that may deflect light. Clean, freshly washed skin is recommended for best results.

Do I need to lie down to use Celluma?

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No. You can use Celluma while sitting or lying down. For example, there are two ways to use Celluma when targeting the lower-back region: sitting comfortably in a chair with Celluma curved horizontally around the lower back area, or lying down with the device placed on the lower-back region. The Celluma may also be placed vertically on the spine following the natural curvature of the body. The key benefit of its design is the unique ability to mold its shape to conform to the profile of the body. Do not lie directly on top, lean against or apply full body weight to the device.

What’s the best position to use Celluma?

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The best position is the one that is most comfortable for the client! Celluma may be placed on or wrapped around the body part. Once positioned, sit back, relax, listen to music, watch TV, or take a nap.

Can I apply makeup after a Celluma session?

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Yes. You may resume all normal activities immediately following use.

How often should I Celluma?

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You will see results after one session but the recommended treatment plan is 2-3 times a week for 4 weeks. After that, a maintenance plan of one session per month is recommended to maintain your treatment results. Celluma conditions the skin and collagen, much like a fitness regime, so the more consistent you use Celluma, the better and longer you will see the results.

Who can use Celluma?

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Celluma should not be used on children under 12, or over the breast or stomach of a breast-feeding or pregnant person.

1201 Liberty Pike,
Ste. 121, Franklin, TN